Whilst we would like to think that nothing will happen within the Cheer Squad we are aware that from time to time there will be Breaches of the Cheer Squads Code of Conduct or incidents within the Cheer Squad that need to be dealt with.
We would prefer incidents that occur on Match Days be reported immediately to one of the Committee Members who can then investigate the matter on the spot and take action to resolve it
then and there rather than having the incident reported mid week and then needing to try to piece together what happened if we can.
We also realize that from time to time there will be matters that members do not wish to report on match day or the incident did not occur at the football. For these matters we ask that you complete the Incident Form through the button below, which will then be forwarded to the Committee and the Football Club for investigation and resolution.
Please also note that there are some larger incidents that are of a more serious nature and may need to be reported to the relevant authorities for action as well as the Cheer Squad.
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